by Adam Sagitto Read the Original
Summary Notes
Tim Ferriss used Adwords as a "Minimum Viable Marketing" tool to test the title of his book, "The 4 Hour Work Week", before producing it. By using a split-testing method, he found the title with the highest click-through rate and used it as his book title. Adwords can also be used to test headlines, guarantees, product names, and domain names.
Key Learnings
- Adwords can be used as a Minimum Viable Marketing tool
- Split-testing can be used to find the most successful title for a book
- Accelerated delivery methods can be used for split tests
- Headlines, guarantees, product names and domain names can also be tested using Adwords
- Rotate indefinitely settings can be used to ensure an even split test
- Summary Notes
- Key Learnings
- Test Your Product with Adwords: Tim Ferriss' Success Story
- Four Hour Work Week Ad Wins Test
Test Your Product with Adwords: Tim Ferriss' Success Story
Tim Ferriss used Adwords to split test the title of 'The 4 Hour Work Week', finding that it had the highest click-through rate. He used Adwords as a Minimum Viable Marketing tool to get live market feedback before producing the book. Use Adwords to test headlines, guarantees, product names, and domain names. “He could cheaply test his product before it was created” Testing a product before launching is a cost effective way to ensure the best possible outcome. Adwords provides a great way to do this.
Four Hour Work Week Ad Wins Test
Tim ran a test of 6 different ad titles to decide the title of his book, and the "Four Hour Work Week" ad won due to its higher click-through rate. He likely used an accelerated delivery method with a rotate indefinitely setting to ensure an even split test. “Adwords is the marketing equivalent of the Minimum Viable Product” Adwords provides a low cost, low risk way to test the market and get feedback on product ideas before investing in them.